Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

A little photographer

A little photographer, originally uploaded by ©Pacifist.

The youngest guinea pig photographer in the world!!
Name: Pichiku, Age: 12 days (Kuu-chan's baby) / Sorry for my poor celular...3 years of use... : )

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Man Behind The Cam

The Man Behind The Cam, originally uploaded by brtsergio.

Iguana Jo at the Titty Pride Party #1.

Paganello 2007 : Flickr Photographers : Iguana Jo

Paganello 2007 Rimini - Italy
Beach Ultimate & Freestyle Frisbee World Championship

Flickrs Photographers : Iguana Jo

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A man with a Photo Camera

My beloved camera, Photo Booth'd

...flipped and slightly tweaked in photoshop (effect is done in Photo Booth)

Camera Rig (just getting started...haha)

Update: This photo was taken a while back and the amount of camera gear I have has grown by leaps and bounds (not sure yet if this is a good or bad thing). You can see the new gear photo by going here.

small person inside big camera

My friend just found a Mamiya 645. It was really cheap. However, I think there are ghosts inside.

living vicariously through another person's camera

This woman shoots the Brooklyn Bridge with a camera that could eat mine for lunch. She could probably even get a cleaner self portrait than I got a portrait of her with my camera.